Saturday, August 29, 2015

Image of the Beast

"And changed the glory of the 
uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and 
creeping things" Romans 1:23.

"So that you do not become corrupt and make for yourselves an idol, an image of any shape, whether formed like a man or a woman",Deuteronomy 4:16

The Bible declares over and over the false messiah is not an actual “man” but an IMAGE of a man that is false. This “image” will be a “beast/pig”. The Ishtar Pig by name and by sacrifice. The “image of Jesus Christ” is the first beast and the religion of Christianity is the second beast that grew up around this false Greek messiah causing the world to worship the first beast “Jesus”. We see this clearly in Revelation:

Revelation 13
The Beast out of the Earth (the name “Je-sus” means Earthly Beast or Pig; the suffice “je” means earthly in Latin and the suffice “sus” means pig in Latin… Jesus is a Latin name not Hebrew)

11 Then I saw another beast (Christianity), coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb (goat/mitre hat), but he spoke like a dragon (Dagon/Satan). 12 He (Christianity) exercised all the authority of the first beast (Jesus Christ) on his behalf (Authority of the Church/Tradition of Men), and (Christianity) made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast (Jesus Christ), whose fatal wound (crucifixion) had been healed (resurrection). 

13 And he (second Beast/Christianity) performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. 14 Because of the signs he (Christianity) was given power to do on behalf of the first beast (Jesus Christ), he (second beast/Christianity) deceived the inhabitants of the earth (the largest religion on Earth is Christianity). He (Christianity) ordered them (humanity) to set up an image (in their hearts/Temples of Yahwah of a false messiah that never existed) in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived (Jesus Christ).

15 He (second Beast/Christianity) was given power to give breath (Spirit of the False Messiah) to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak (to the hearts of man metaphorically) and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed (the inquisition did exactly that, Christianity has been waging a war on the True Sabbath Keeping Saints for 2000 years killing all those who would not worship Constantine’s pagan god).

The false messiah is AN IMAGE of the Messiah that has deceived the world. It is a false image of a man that never really lived or existed in any way but was created by man at the Council of Nicaea and given a name that literally means “Beast/Pig of the Earth” in Latin.

Rev. 14:9-12
"A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: 'If ANYONE worships the beast and HIS IMAGE and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand,

Rev. 19:20
With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped HIS IMAGE. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur".

Rev. 20:4-6
"I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Yahwah and because of the word of Yahwah. They had not worshiped the beast or HIS IMAGE and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands.

The English name “Jesus”

We are going to “reverse engineer” this name “Jesus” and when we do it traces directly back to Babylon no matter how we look at it. But what would happen if we look at the name “Jesus” as a compound English name composed (as English words are) of the Latin prefix and suffix “Je” and “sus”? We must look at it that way because the true name of the Messiah was a compound name YAHWAH the Messiah or transliterated YAHWAH HA'MASHIACH, and in the shortened form YAH Ha'MASHIACH in Hebrew. Supposedly “Jesus” comes from the name of the Messiah so if we break it into it component parts what does it say about “Jesus” in English.

Does it identify The Passover Lamb sacrifice of YAHWAH or an abominable sacrifice of a pig on Easter? Does it begin to bring into focus the exact same sacrifice of The Ishtar Pig (Easter) which is the unquestioned “sacrifice” of the false religion of Christianity as well as Babylon? Let’s look at the prefix “Je” and suffix “sus” in the English dictionary.

When considering the prefix we find that “Je” is another form of “Ge” derived from the Latin/Greek word for “earth”. GE/JE is a short form of Gaia or Jee which is the “mother earth” or Roman goddess Tellus! The suffix “sus” comes from the Latin word for “pig” sous. “Sous” in Latin means pig this is where we get the pig call “soooouuuuiiii”. So in English if we examine the name Jesus as a compound name it means literally “earthly pig” or “pig of Tellus/Goddess Mother Earth”.

The name “Jesus” in no way implies or means Yahwah is the Messiah. Shocking… I know. Below is the Webster’s entry for the suffix JE and SUS:


GE (je, ge) GAEA;GAIA GAEA (Jee),Noun. [Gr. Gaia derived from "Ge", earth] in Greek mythology the earth personified as a goddess,mother of Uranus the Titans,etc, MOTHER EARTH: identified by the Romans with Tellus: also Gala,Ge. GEO (jeo,jee) [Gr. "geo" derived from gaia, ge, the earth] a combining form meaning earth, as in geo/centric, geo/phyte. (WEBSTER'S NEW WORLD DICTIONARY)

sus, sus N 3 1 NOM S C T, sus N 3 1 VOC S C T sus, suis swine; hog, pig, sow; (Latin-English-Latin Java Dictionary with Whitaker's Wordlist) sus : swine, pig, hog.

“Jesus” literally means the Ishtar Pig

We now are coming closer to the false messiah’s sacrifice on Easter to the goddess Ishtar (a pig) in replace of The Passover Lamb. That is why we eat ham on Easter because a pig killed Ishtar’s son Tammuz later called Apollo / Hesus / Horus / Krishna then Jesus. We are taught that anyone obedient to the dietary laws of YAHWAH are not true Christians (which is true because the followers of Yahwah Ha'Mashiach were called Nazarenes). So to PROVE our total lawlessness in the eyes of YAHWAH … we actually eat the most unclean abominable animal that is not even “food” on Ishtar day!

The most abominable animal to YAHWAH in His Word (a pig), we eat it in defiance to a pagan god we have elevated in our hearts above YAHWAH and then we disobey Passover. Those who commit such an abominable sacrifice in their heart on Easter and are disobedient to The Passover are not true sons of YAHWAH.

This is “how” and “why” Passover was changed to “Ishtar/Easter” and a pig sacrificed (eaten) instead of a lamb on Passover as YAHWAH instructed and Yahwah Ha'Mashiach confirmed. Passover is an EVERLASTING ordinance.

Luk 22:19 And taking bread, giving thanks (ON PASSOVER), He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This (PASSOVER DINNER) is My body (PASSOVER LAMB) which is given (SACRIFICED) for you, do this (KEEP PASSOVER) in remembrance of Me.”

Exo 12:14 ‘And this day shall become to you a remembrance. And you shall observe it as a festival to יהוה throughout your generations – observe it as a festival, an EVERLASTING LAW.

So YahWAH HA' is English for the Hebrew name of the Messiah (anointed King of Israel) and Jesus is the name of the Greek “savior” or Christos (all pagan god-men were called Christs such as Christos Mithra's and Krishna etc.). It is that simple. But what does “Iesous” mean in Greek. It has no meaning in Hebrew; as it is not a Hebrew word. In Greek, “Iesous” literally translated means “Hail Zeus”.

There simply was never a man in Israel 2,000 years ago named “Jesus”. That is not the name of the Messiah and not even a name in Hebrew! There was never a man named “Jesus” born on December 25th to Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem. Yahwah Ha-Mashiach was born on the Feast of the Trumpets in the fall. There was never a man named “Jesus” crucified on a “cross” on Good-Friday. The true Messiah Yahwah was impaled on a stake on Passover and raised on The Sabbath.

There was never a man named “Jesus” who rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. No man named “Jesus” actually lived and taught the abolishment of The Law of Yahwah or changed The Sabbath to Sunday. Yahwah Ha-Mashiach said he did not come to abolish The Law but to fulfill the shadow pictures of it and elevated it through transposition to written on our hearts spiritually. He kept the Feast of Yahwah and literally fulfilled their prophetic meaning! Then transposed the entire “Law” to spiritually written “on our hearts”. A far cry from abolished. This religion known as Christianity is steeped in pagan rituals with doctrines based on circular reasoning and “implied doctrines” that violate sound explicit doctrine and Truths of Yahwah found plainly stated and COMMANDED in scripture.

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