Jean Henri Fabra
did a study of the processionary caterpillar. It seems that this caterpillar
wanders about aimlessly, pursued by many followers who move when he moves, stop
when he stops, and eats when he eats. Pine needles are their principle source
of food.
One day Fabra
tried an experiment. He filled a flowerpot with pine needles, which they love,
and then lined up the caterpillars in a solid ring around the rim of the pot.
Sure enough, they began to move slowly around and around the rim, each
following the one ahead. They continued this senseless revolving for seven
days, never once to stop for food until one by one they began to collapse.
I was intrigued by
this story because it reminded me of the people in Moses generation, that
wandered in a circle in the wilderness for forty years never stopping to
receive the true manna of God and ended up dying in the wilderness.
I wonder how many
of us Christians today are following the crowd around the flower pot of
conformity not discerning the truth from the lie.
I often wonder
where are the men and women who dare to be different. If we are to be like
Yahwah the Messiah we will be different. Why do most people have a tendency to follow the
crowd? Is it the fear to stand alone and being rejected by popular opinion.
Where is the creative nonconformity that made the martyrs of the past? Where is
the excitement of taking a stand?
My friend, it is
often not safe to follow the crowd. If you were to live in the time of the Messiah and followed the public mood of the day you would have rejected the Messiah, and that is scary.
When the crowd seen what Yahwah the Messiah could do for them they
wanted to make him king. If he could feed five thousand people with five loaves
of bread and two fish just think how much more he could do if he were king.
It's funny how some of us as when we become Christians say now that I'm
following the Lord what can the Lord do for me, do we ever stop to ask the Lord
what can I do for you?
There was a day when Yahwah the Messiah rode triumphantly into
Jerusalem and the crowd shouted his praises, but how quickly the attitude of
the people changed. Some of the people who were shouting his praises and who
wanted to make him king were also shouting 'Crucify Him"! Why? Because
they got caught up in the crowd.
When it was time
to take a stand most of them stood in the shadows. Even the disciples when the
time came to take a stand just disappeared. They were afraid to stand alone.
They were silent. They might not have said, "Crucify Him", but they
didn't have the courage to cry out, "Set this man free! He is
innocent"! History has not changed, I believe most of us would have done
the same thing.
The majority, it
seems has seldom been right. The majority, except for eight people, rejected the
truth in the days of Noah and perished in the catastrophe of public opinion who
said it would never happen.
Elijah stood alone
on Carmel against those who thought to take his life. It took courage for
Martin Luther to stand before the council who wanted him to retract the
statement; "The Bible and the Bible alone is our rule of faith and
practice", and say 'I cannot and will not retract....Here I stand, I can
do no other"!
We need to have
that courage today to be able to stand in the tribulation that lies ahead. We
must not let public opinion guide our path with our walk with Yahwah the Messiah. Let us
take heart in the words of Yahwah the Messiah about public opinion; "Enter ye in at
the straight gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction,
(following after the crowd) and many there be which go in thereat: because
straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few
there be that find it" (Matt. 7:13,14).
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