There is a false peace that is in America and the churches today. We
think we our safe because we live in the most powerful nation on earth. We
think we our safe if we go to church every Sunday. We are being deceived. If
you don’t put your trust totally in Yahwah Ha'Mashiach you will not have peace or be safe.
If you think this nation or your church is the answer to peace and safety you
are being deceived. The answer is Yahwah Ha'Mashiach.for there is no other that has the
key to salvation. Moses called those who were swept up in this false security
as being self deceived. He warned us of a curse that would be put on those
wicked and disobedient children of God who walked in idolatry. “And it come to
pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that he bless himself in his
heart, saying, I shall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of mine
heart, to add drunkenness to thrist”. (Deuteronomy 29:19).
As a nation we have become numb to what Satan is trying to do.
Things that this nation would not tolerate fifty years ago have become
commonplace in our lives today. As a nation and in our churches today we
tolerate killing of unborn children and call it “freedom of choice”. We
tolerate homosexuality and call it “diversity”. We tolerate paganism and call
it “multiculturalism”. We tolerate killing of the elderly or the sick and call
it “compassion”. We tolerate religious segregation and call it “denominationalism”.
must wake up and smell the roses before it is to late to wake up and smell
anything. So far I believe Satan’s plan to deceive the world is right on
schedule. His agenda is clear, disrupt the conscience mind. He has achieved in
many areas such as virtue being ridiculed, evil is praised as good and
liberating, and moral standards are mocked as narrow minded thinking of a past
generation. He has deceived us into believing that we need the government to
control every aspect of our lives. We accept “affirmative action” as a solution
to racism rather than dealing with the condition of the heart that brings about
such an evil. We accept “higher taxes” in order to bail out failed social
policies rather than accepting the responsibility to be “our brothers’ keeper”.
We accept police intrusions into our homes, businesses and automobiles to rid
us of guns and drugs. We allow the government to regulate with impunity our
businesses to give us a sense of security in our business dealings. We accept
censorship of the media so we’re not offended, rather than turning our TV’s
off, throwing away our pornography, and not supporting those that sell us their
filth. Yahweh has giving us the freedom to choose. We have an alternative if we
choose to take it. The alternative is to obey Yahweh and keep His commandments.
Many do not want to wake up to what Satan has planned. In the Yahweh’s Word it
says that this would take place: “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in
the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing
spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their
conscience seared with a hot iron”. (Tim. 4:1-2).
In the last days before Yahwah Ha'Mashiach return you will find two kinds
of believers. You will have the faithful that will recognize the signs of the
times (Heb.10:25) and be able to stand firm in time of tribulation. They will
be the ones that have applied their faith to the little problems of there daily
lives. They have been faithful with a few things, and they will be able to
overcome in the many trials that will come before them. (See Matt.25:21). The
other type of believer will be those who have become so comfortable with their
life of tolerance, compromise, convenience and appeasement they will not be
able to see the deception of the antichrist when it is before them. If we as
believers in truth cannot surrender to His daily power in our daily lives now,
how are we going to believe when we face the great tribulations in the future?
When the storms come, what is our house going to be made of? Is our faith going
be built of Rock or sand? In Matt. 7:21-27 it talks about the two kinds of
believers. There will be one group of believers who will not fall – they will
be able to withstand every demonic onslaught that comes on them. Nothing will
be able to move them when the storms come because their faith is built on the
Rock of Salvation. The other group of believer’s
faith will fail them when the storms come because their faith will be built on
the foundation of the sands of deception.
There is a cost to follow Yahwah Ha'Mashiach you may ask
at what cost? I believe people do not follow Yahwah Ha'Mashiach with all their heart is
because they want security, home, job, marriage, family. They want to have
personal pleasures and comfort, an easy life, no conflict, to get along with
everyone. We seek earthly rewards, popularity, friendships, leisure time. Some
follow only with “conditions”. The cost to follow Yahwah Ha'Mashiach is complete loyalty
with no conditions, total dedication and commitment. We can’t pick and choose
of what Yahweh’s Word teaches and follow them selectively. It does not matter
how others live, we our responsible individually to live what Yahwah Ha'Mashiach taught.
(See Luke 9:57-62). Our first priority should be in our lives is to placeYahwah Ha'Mashiach on top. Some have one foot in heaven and one foot in this life. They
cannot let go of the things of this earth. They, say “Let me take care of
important family matters first”. “Show me a miracle”. “Heal me”. The cost to follow Yahwah Ha'Mashiach is to be willing
to abandon everything else that has given us security and not allow anything to
distract us from the calling He has made in our lives. (See Mark 1:16-20), (Mark
2:13 -17). We as true believers
should have a loving heart that is obedient to please the Saviour and to bring
Him pleasure. True believers do not need the law because they would not do
things that would bring pain to Him. Our every action should be to have the
desire to please Him and be willing to forsake the world of its lust and
desires. Most believers’ desire is that they needYahwah Ha'Mashiach only when their life is
in a mess. When things are going great they forget about him. These are the
believers that will say “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in
your name drive out demons and perform many miracles”? Then He will tell them plainly,
“I never knew you. Away from me, you evil doers”. To be a true believer is more
than just saying that you believe in Yahwah Ha'Mashiach we must practice those things
that He has taught us through His Word and apply them to our lives. “Therefore
everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a
wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came, and the streams rose,
and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it
had its foundation built on rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine
and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house
on sand. The rain came down, the stream rose, and the winds blew and beat
against the house, and it fell with a great crash”. (Matt. 7:21-27). We must be
more than PEW SITTING BELIEVER’S. We must step out of comfort zone and reach
out to the lost and needed by telling others about the Saviour. Your life is no
longer yours, it belongs to Him because you have surrendered it to Him and you
will be rejected for standing for that decision. The scoffers will come seeking
their own desires. Their view of the future includes no divine judgment. They
refuse to believe even when the evidence of the coming of the Saviour is so
overwhelming. It is not a matter of lack of evidence to convince people that
the Word of Yahweh is true. The reason they don’t want to believe is that if
they believed then they would have to acknowledge His authority and obey the
commands that he has laid down. Friends we are at war and this war has been
raging for thousands of years. There have been many battles that have been
fought and their will be many battles ahead. We must press forward with our
faith that lies in the belief that victory is in our reach and that victory is
in Yahwah The Messiah.
By: Kenneth L. Madsen
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