Sunday, September 6, 2015


The prophecy concerning that which IS yet to come; it is as current as today's newspaper. "Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became as blood; and a third of the living creatures in the sea died . . . . Rev. 8:8

This prophecy concerning earth's future was penned almost 2,000 years ago long before anyone knew about asteroids, elliptical orbits, or "extinction event" collisions with them. The Apostle John was told to write about the asteroid that IS on a collision course with the "third rock from the sun" (Earth!) Neither Near-Earth asteroid tracking, or any of the other asteroid detection agencies will be able to detect and destroy this asteroid thereby keeping it from all but decimating the planet. How do I know this? The Bible has yet to be in error. Only a fool will consider it to be a coincidence that this event is of very top concern to NASA and other agencies. If God did not "move" John to write about this event, how did he know about it? It would be an error to suggest that the book of Revelation when written was current with the scientific inquiry of the day. That would be an error, because as you will see, it was well in advance of it; it always is. You will find this true relative to the Bible throughout this entire site. John was writing about events and technologies that were yet to be thought of let alone invented. Revelation sometimes appears confusing because the Apostle John was attempting to describe 21st century events and technologies is 1st century language.

BUT that which WE need to understand from Revelation is clear as crystal and reads at an 8th grade level for those with open and non-prejudiced minds. This book IS to be understood and preached today. If your pastor doesn't, he is either stupid, spending too much time on the golf course or suffers from  spinelessness. The very first chapter commands us to "seal NOT the prophecies of this book". What part of that don't you understand?????

Anyway, as always, you be the judge of this information. Nostradamus and the other false prophets could only dream about a level of clarity found in the Bible relative to accuracy, a clear understanding, dependability and reliability. How? God really authored it. Of course it's as current as today's newspaper. Soooo, pat attention and heed the warnings!

The Word of Yahwah does not lie. There will be a mountain like object hitting the earth. The warnings are out there.  We must be prepared in our hearts for what is about to take place. If you have not accepted Yahwah Ha'Mashiach as your Saviour. The time is Now!

When John saw the vision of Rev. 8:8 he could only write of what he saw that related to the surroundings of his day. He did not know what an asteroid was in his day. He knew what a mountain was because there were many surrounding the area of where he lived. What he saw was big as a mountain falling from the sky. The only thing that big would have to be an asteroid. 

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