Sunday, May 17, 2015

The veil of protection has been lifted from this nation

Did you know that America and Israel are the only two nations who at their beginnings, were and are dedicated to Yahwah our Creator. and did  you know that our first president's first official act, along with Congress and Senate was to dedicate the brand new nation, the United States of America, to Yahwah our Creator. The birthplace of Israel is upon the temple mount in Jerusalem, but do you know where the birthplace of our nation took place? It wasn't in Washington DC nor was it in Philadelphia in 1776. Our nation was conceived in Philadelphia, but we did not become an official nation until April 30th, 1789. That was the day that George Washington was sworn in as America's first president. In fact there is a very famous statue marking the very spot where he was sworn in.He was inaugurated on the island of Manhattan, New York City, in front of the Federal Hall located on Wall Street. Wall Street is where our nation actually became a nation. Federal Hall was then the current home to the first Congress, Supreme Court, and Executive Branch offices. The building is still there and there is a statue of George Washington standing with his hand stretched out taking the oath of office. Why was his hand stretched out? His statue was portrayed that way so that people could see and remember that George Washington took the oath of office while resting his hand on God's Word.  On April 23, it was announced to the nation that on April 30th at 9:00 AM the church bells across the nation will ring for a half hour, calling the entire nation come to their house of worship and to commit our new government to the Most High God.
The Daily Advertiser reported the following…
[O]n the morning of the day on which our illustrious President will be invested with his office, the bells will ring at nine o’clock, when the people may go up to the house of God and in a solemn manner commit the new government, with its important train of consequences, to the holy protection and blessing of the Most high. An early hour is prudently fixed for this peculiar act of devotion and is designed wholly for prayer.
The Daily Advertiser, New York, Thursday, April 23, 1789, p. 2
So on April 30, 1789 our first president was sworn in at Federal Hall, our first seat of government located on Wall Street, Manhattan New York.When I learned this I could not believe it. He was sworn in at ground zero, it is where the towers came tumbling down! More about that later. After being sworn-in, George Washington delivered this nation's first “Inaugural Address” to a joint session of Congress.
In it, Washington declared:
"It would be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the universe, who presides in the councils of nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect. No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States."
As the newly inaugurated President, George Washington's first act as President was to lead on foot, the Vice President and members of the Senate and House of Representatives, proceed to St. Paul’s Chapel. It was at St. Paul's Chapel that our nation was dedicated to God. Our newly founded Government joined our President, along with the rest of the nation, upon bent knee and in solemn prayer asked for God's favor and blessing upon this nation. It was at that time that our nation was committed by our leader and the people to God Almighty.It is at that very moment that the ground with which our nation was dedicated,it became hallowed ground.This ground was from that point on a special landmark to our nation and to God. Like the temple mount where Solomon dedicated Israel and her people to God, so did our first president. Following Solomon's example his first official act as our nation's leader was to dedicate our nation and her people to God. Saint Paul's Chapel and the land upon which it sat, is a kin to Israel's temple mount.The ground is hallowed to our nation.The chapel of the Parish of Trinity Church, St. Paul's was built on land granted by Queen Anne of Great Britain. Land owned by one who holds an office, recognized and ordained by God.The land owned by the chapel was of good size. In fact it is recorded that The "Hearts of Oak", a militia unit organized early in the American Revolutionary War, and comprised in part of King's College (later, Columbia University) students, would drill in the Chapel's yard before classes. (1)Another fact about St. Paul's that Washington regularly attended services at St. Paul's during the two years New York City was the country's capital. In scripture we are told about "the ancient landmarks." In fact we are warned in Proverbs of the following…Proverbs 22:28 "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set" .Over the years the land upon which our nation was dedicated to God, slowly became forgotten.Today, barely anyone except for a few history books, remember that the land which St. Paul's stands is the very same land which our nation and her people were dedicated to God.The ancient landmark was not moved, but something worse happened… it became forgotten.Many people have no idea what St. Paul' Chapel means to this nation. Her history, her meaning, her hallowed ground has been totally forgotten by most of the nation and her people.Yahwah warned Israel of what would happen if they turned their backs on Him. In 2 Chronicles 7 we read what would happen to Israel if she turned her back upon God.
20 Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.
21 And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house?
Because Israel turned to false gods and turned her back upon God, God did exactly as He said he would. He pulled the people up by the roots and destroyed the temple.The hallowed ground with which the temple was built was defiled and destroyed. God's hand of protection was lifted and the enemies of God came in and destroyed the very symbol of the nation, that being the temple, the heart of the nation.The people lamented and asked "Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land?"Again, just as God said it, the people wondered "WHY?"It is because the nation and her people who were dedicated to God, by their king, turned their backs upon Him.So He destroyed the temple because they forgot the ancient landmarks and their promise to God once given on that hallowed ground from which she was dedicated .God began His judgment upon Israel on the very ground she was founded, the temple mount. Like Israel, God has judged our nation, a nation dedicated to God Almighty. Like Israel who was briefly invaded by Assyria, our nation has also been briefly invaded by the very same terrorist ancestors.Like Israel's hallowed ground being destroyed, our hallowed ground has also been destroyed.We have been warned, and God's hand of providence has been lifted. But on that day did we humble ourselves?No we did not.In fact, our leaders spoke a curse upon our nation right from the book of Isaiah.Isaiah 9:10 The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.This verse in the days and months after our nation's downfall will be repeated over and over again by our elected officials.This verse is the very attitude that Israel took after Assyria invaded the land.Instead of humbling themselves and repenting as God told them to do in 2 Chronicles 7:14, they became hardened and prideful.They became defiant in the face of God.God has been warning our nation. But instead of heeding His warning the people of our nation continue to be boastful, proud and defiant in the face of God.We have taking His Word out of the school system. The same Word that Washington placed his hand on and took an oath that we would serve Yahwah Elohim our Creator.. God's word says if you deny me, I will deny you. "But he that denieth me before men, shalbe denied before the Angels of God" Luke 12:9. What have we done? We as a nation have passed laws denying  the the teaching of God's Word in the school system which is the foundation of our nation. If you deny His Word you are denying Him fore His Word was made flesh and walked among us. His Word was crucified on the cross for you. The veil was torn into so you can enter in and be born again in a newness of life. How many millions of children has this nation killed by the legalization of abortion. I believe the voices of these children have been heard by the judgement God sent on 911 to this nation.. Look what is happening now since the towers came tumbling down. The legalization of marriage between man and man and woman and woman. You think God is going to look the other way?  We have not repented of our ways we have become like Sodom an Gomorrah. What happen to Sodom and Gomorrah? They were destroyed.  It was no coincidence of the date, time, location the towers came tumbling down. Let's look at the date 9-11. What does 9-11 mean to this nation? It is our emergency number. God is trying to warn us REPENT turn your hearts back to me I do not want to destroy you. Let's take a look at the time. What time did these attacks take place? It was around 9:00 in the morning. The same time in the morning that Washington dedicated this nation to almighty God two hundred and twelve years before. Now let us take a look at the location. Where was the location these attack took place? It was in the same area of where Washington gave his speech dedicating this nation to our Creator Yahwah-Elohim. Israel's Temple was destroyed because of their disobedience. A place that Solomon dedicated the nation of Israel to God . Just like the Temple that was destroyed in Jererusalem the towers which was the pride of New York were destroyed because of our disobedience in the same area of where Washington gave the dedication speech to obey God and follow His Commands. It has been two hundred and twenty six years since the dedication of our nation to God. It has been 14 years since 9-11 we as a nation have not repented of our ways. In my heart I believe the veil of protection of Almighty God has been lifted from this nation and as a nation we will pay the price.  For the individual person there is still hope for that veil has not been lifted that veil is Salvation through God's Son. The only way you are going to know the Father is through the Son.  The Messiah said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. "If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now on you know Him, and have seen Him." John 14:7. It has been 52 years since this nation has removed God's Son from the school system. This nation has no idea of who the Father our Creator is. I pray that you receive Him as your personnel Saviour. I pray that you find the truth of His true Name. I pray that you cherish the day that He has set aside for his people.I pray that you may eat of His Word fore that truly is the bread of life.

I Wanna Live